位置 & 地图
Key Figures at a Glance
网易彩票app & 反应杂志
Our Strategic Position
Our Mission, Vision & 核心主题
网易彩票app的总统 & 领导团队
最新独家网易彩票下载 & 公告
All Departments, 办公室s & 组织
Our Commitment to 多样性
校园活动 & 活动
Our Commitment to 信仰 in Christ
Our story is tied to the land that this campus is built on
专业 & 未成年人
Stay up to date on your important deadlines — including tuition-refund deadlines, 期末考试安排, registration information, and more — by checking the Academic 日历.
应用 for Fall 2024
Are you interested in attending 西雅图 Pacific next fall? 提交 your application 今天!
住房 & 餐厅
活动 & 俱乐部
信仰 & 社区
健康 & 健康
E: gradadmissions@mansourtawafi.com P: 206-281-2091 O: Demaray大厅 120
Certification and endorsements
Become an administrator
Become an educational leader
Graduate open houses are a great way to meet your future professors and to learn more about the programs. 请查看 latest schedule here.
SPU的 Career Accelerators, at only $250 per course, offer a cost-effective way to get the skills you need, on your schedule. 给 your career a boost with one of our online continuing education courses.
With so many choices, here are just a few reasons graduate students 选择SPU.
We’re here for you, with live help and answers from real people. 只是 给网易彩票app打电话.